Chocolate Planner for October 2012

In the USA, where The Chocolate Cult was founded and where we are headquartered, October is a huge candy month for one reason: Halloween.  We will be doing our Annual Halloween treat Challenge throughout the month.  There are other fun food holidays though you could celebrate with chocolate.

October = National Dessert Month, National Cookie Month -- Wow!  Two month long celebrations we could use chocolate for.

October = first full week is National Mental Health Illness Week -- I mention this because dark chocolate can have effects on your mind and your emotions.  It is no substitute for getting the mental health care you need however so this is actually something I want to warn you about doing.  Do not self-medicate with chocolate, please.

October 1 = National Homemade Cookie Day -- Please let it be cool enough so I can make cookies this day.

October 7 = National Frappe Day -- I've never made a frappƩ either... I want to try.

October 9, 1797 = Birthday of Philippe Suchard -- I'll do a brief history about why he's important for us.

October 10 = National Angel Food Cake Day; World Mental Health Day -- Yes there are chocolate angel food cakes out there but do they taste like chocolate?

October 14 = National Chocolate-Covered Insect Day -- Never tried one yet...

2nd Thursday = National Dessert Day -- Talk about wide ranging holidays, this could cover almost anything.

3rd Saturday in October = Sweetest Day -- I've done a historical report on this in the past so nothing new to report this year.

October 16 = World Food Day -- Look at food from countries that aren't your own today.

October 18 = National Chocolate Cupcake Day -- Cupcakes are a great way to exercise portion control or to serve a bit group.

October 28 = National Chocolate Day -- Get some chocolate made in your own country to celebrate this fun food holiday.

October 30 = Buy a Donut Day -- Blatant commericalism if you ask me.

October 31 = Halloween; National Candy Apple Day -- Yes you can have chocolate with your candy apple.
